Tuesday 4 October 2011

Editing Photos

This is the original photo that I chose to edit. I chose this one because it has good depth of field (the two girls are in focus and the trees and other girl in the back ground is quite blurry), this has a good effect because it brings out the girls and makes them more clear. When editing this photo I firstly sharpened it to make sure that it was totally clear. I then increased the temperature to firstly make it look like it was a really nice day when the photo was taken, and also to give the photo a warmer feel.

The next photo I chose to edit was this one of Emily, I chose this one because I thought it was originally a really nice, flattering picture and so I wanted to see how I could improve it. I turned the photo black and white to make it look more professional, and then I boosted the colour so that it didn't look as dark or boring.

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